The call for Sharia law in Belgium

Sharia law in Belgium?

This pretty chilling video has been circulating, again, in Beijing and it upsets some Belgian residents who are questioned by Chinese, to explain what is going on. Mostly a call for Sharia law in Belgium plus extremist blabber. With the recent terrorist attacks in Belgium, our country has gotten a dubious reputation. The dubious “star” is Fouad Belkacem (a.k.a Abu Imram).

Posted in April 2012 on CBS (Christian Broadcast Network), according to many being a questionable source.
Also here (best quality):

Sharia for Belgium

Here more about the movement Sharia for Belgium that had promoted Sharia law in Belgium.
Belgian terror group sentenced: Sharia4Belgium’s ‘charismatic leader’ Fouad Belkacem imprisoned for 12 years. Dozens of other members of the group that plotted to impose sharia law, received lesser sentences
by Robert-Jan Bartunek – 12 February 2015

More details:
Sharia4Belgium – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sharia4Belgium was a Belgian radical Salafist organization which called for Belgium to convert itself into an Islamist state. In February 2015 the group was designated a terrorist organization by a Belgian judge.

Also to note: Belkacem had already been convicted in 2012 for incitement of hate against non-Muslims. Other convictions mentioned (burglary, etc.) I could not verify.

What about now?

Well, happy to know our Belgian government has acted against this extremist group.
Unfortunately the danger of the whole movement is still there and the future of Belgium (as well as other EU countries) will depend on how the governments act. Never too late, despite all the mistakes committed by our politicians, to let this happen and the influence of these people growing out of control. Still today, some “conservative Muslims” want to shovel down our throats their “views” on our women, our society and our life style.
It is not a question to “ban Muslims”, it is the question for moderate Muslims to take the lead and show smooth integration and mutual respect is possible.

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