See the article of John Kennedy in SCMP
burned through 325 million more tons of coal in 2011 than in 2010, according to the US Energy Information Administration, and consumption of
the fossil fuel has grown an average of 9% since 2000. China’s coal use grew 9% in 2011, rising to 3.8 billion tons. At this point, the
country is burning nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined (4.3 billion tons).
China, but also the world, is paying the price
for using China as “factory of the world”. Everybody complains about China burning so much coal, but what do you expect from a continent
with 1.3 billion people mass-producing all the gadgets and other consumer items the West loves to buy at a cheaper than cheaper price,
generating so much waste? It is the orgy of overconsumption. To manufacture, we need energy. To make improve the life of the Chinese people,
we need more energy.
We should consume less but go for better quality and durability, and impose environmental and labor laws on the supply
chain – while paying a fair price. We have to stop the vicious cycle of overconsumption. Otherwise, the West should shut up and be less
hypocritical. Read “Toxic capitalism”!