In “Toxic Capitalism” I detailed China’s plans to improve
its energy consumption and energy mix.
Here some recent updates, source: China Daily.
Situation 2012
– Total energy
consumption reached 3.62 billion tons of standard coal, up 4% year-on-year
– China will reduce coal consumption’s share of the total energy
mix to 65% from 66.4% in 2012.
– Non-fossil fuel consumption took up about 9.1% of the energy mix, up 1.1% year-on-year.
– Natural gas
consumption accounted for 5.5% of the total mix
Goals 2015
– Energy consumption will be capped at 4 billion tons of
standard coal, and power use will be 6.15 trillion kWh
– Keep oil imports within 61% of total demand
– Energy consumption per unit of GDP
will be cut by 16% compared with 2010 levels while energy efficiency will be raised by 38%
– Coal production capacity will reach 4.1 billion
tons, but the output will be limited within 3.9 billion tons
– China will raise its non-fossil fuel consumption to 11.4% of primary energy
use, with natural gas accounting for 7.5%
– Newly added proven reserves of coal-bed gas will be 1 trillion cubic meters, and shale gas will
reach 600 billion cu m.
– Sinopec will own up to 1 billion cubic meters of shale gas production capacity
– Installed generating capacity of
nuclear power plants will reach 40 GW